Hello! I wish I had brought the camera with me...but I didn't, so you'll just have to wait for pictures.
Mina is indeed four months old...and a week, and one day. She is getting VERY big! She is now in the 60th percentile for weight...for those of you who don't get the percentile thing, this means that she weighs more than 6 out of 10 babies the same age that she is. She is a portly, beautiful baby girl, and we just can't put her down! She is doing four month old things, too...grabbing things, "talking," holding her head up solidly, ALMOST sitting on her own, laughing, smiling, and everything else they are supposed to do. Her hair is not nearly as thick and dark as it was, but it is much longer, so we are able to take the thatch in the middle of her forehead and curl it around a bit, which is cuter than the dickens. You think you'll never do such awful stuff to your baby as dress them up in lacy, frilly, pink stuff and style their hair...but it just sort of happens, and you can't help it.
On a different subject, that includes Mina...we recently got back from a weeklong trip to North Carolina. We all went in a big van with two dear friends, Nala (Trisha) and Willie. It was a LOOOOOONG trip, and much of it through the Appalachian mountains. It was BEAUTIFUL, but Mina was not a big fan of those mountains. I personally think it was the atmosphere changes making her ears pop. I remember HATING that as a little person. I'm a little bit terrified for Mina's ears, actually...as I had TONS of ear infections as a child, and have had multiple surgeries to make it better. I'm always SUPER careful not to get water in her ears at bathtime, etc... but here I am digressing....back to the trip...We saw our dear friend Tim (Sprinkles) marry a very sweet "southern belle" whose name is Valentine (Val-en-TEEN). They are in Jamacia right now, lucky ducks. Mina helped Nate do his ushering duty from the baby Bjorn that he had her strapped to (would you like my arm, or the baby's hand?). She was a real trooper, actually. SUCH a long trip. She slept most of the time, but when awake, she mostly just ate and ate. We couldn't take her out of her carseat, which must have been awful for her.
Mina is so lovely, and I (Sarah) am loving being her mom full time. I do enjoy staying at home...though I do sometimes miss working, especially the paycheck...but we are actually living very well on Nate's. Someday I'll probably work part time again...but in the meantime, I love being at home with Mina.
So...life is good...it's fall (my favorite season!), and it is a gorgeous one, so far. The leaves are beautiful colors, and the temperature outside is cool but not COLD, so I am going to take Mina outside as much as I can before that happens. We go for a long walk every day. I hardly ever drive anywhere...we walk to the grocery store, the library, and we just wander around with no goal in mind whatsoever some days. Life is good. I'm very lucky!
Well, hope everyone out there is well...God bless!
Love, Sarah (and Mina, and Nate)