Tuesday, October 28, 2008

No shaken baby

Ok, just had to write to tell you that Nate is not shaking Mina in the one picture.  He is tossing her in the air, and the camera on my phone does not do motion shots very well.  

About Mina...she has six teeth now, four up top, two on bottom.  She is doing very well.  She is lovely.  She is not walking yet, but she could be.  She has actually taken some steps without realizing it, and then when she did, she plopped down.  WAIT...I think I said this already on a previous post...oh well.  Her hair is getting very long, past the shoulder blades already!  It is still curly, but a little less curly as it grows longer.  She is heartbreakingly cute with pigtails in.  Most people pass out at the sight of her in pigtails.  OF COURSE, this isn't true.  But they do get weak in the knees.

All is well in the Reichle household.  I finished the chair I was recovering, and it looks extremely like a chair that was recovered by someone who doesn't know what they're doing.  It looks ok though.  Perhaps I'll put on a picture.  We recently acquired about 300 books from a school that closed recently...anyone out there need the chronicles of narnia?  We have two sets now.  It was an incredible opportunity, and we are thankful, even though the school closing was a very sad situation.  Nate is pastoring it up big-time.  Badger is doing ok, but recently got into some trouble when he destroyed two of Mina's sippy cups.  He also gained some weight and we are told by his doc that we need to decrease his food to compensate for the treats he gets from Mina.  Bill is hardly ever seen, as usual.  He still enjoys a good brush-down.  His hair also has grown back from the time we cut off all the icky matted parts.  He looks pretty happy.

Hope all is well out there!

October pictures

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mina is fifteen and a half months old!

Hi all.  Sorry for the lack of explanation on the photos.  As I've said before, I snatch some moments here and there to upload pictures, and usually that's all I have time for.  Especially lately, when I've been so enthralled with facebook.

Anyway.  Mina.  She has four teeth now!  Two uppers and two lowers.  The lowers came in a while back (in August), and the two uppers have just broken through.  She also crawls like a fiend, faster than you can shake your fist in the air!  She will be walking anytime now, on her own.  She has actually taken her first few steps, but without realizing it (I was supporting her around her tummy, and let go for a second, and she kept going...then when she noticed the lack of support, she plopped right on down).  She adores her walker, most of the time.  I say most of the time because it has its limitations, and she doesn't like them.  She wants to get at everything, all the time.  I get to pick up books from lower bookshelves, paper from the paper shredder basket, sheet music from a low shelf, and pots and pans from the dishwasher nearly every day.  She loves taking things out of other things.  I have a tin bucket type thing that is full of playing cards, and it is one of her favorite toys...she just pulls the cards out one by one, and throws them behind her as she does so.  It's quite hilarious.  Oh, and I think I can officially say she said her first word: uh-oh.  Only, it sounds more like uh-uh.  It definitely has the right inflections of the "uh-oh"...there is no mistaking that she is saying uh-oh.

Life is good!  I can't complain.  I have two very small jobs now, outside of home-caretaking and baby-rearing.  I enjoy them both, and they bring in a very small income, which is nice.  Nate is doing his pastor thing, and really getting into it.  His sermons lately have been quite amazing!  Badger is doing fine, same as always (ALWAYS remember to put your shoes out of reach when visiting!), and Bill is doing well, too.  The whole gang is smiling and well-fed.  God truly knows our needs and daily and richly provides...above and beyond our needs!  We are thankful.

More September pictures.